11 Mei 2013

Weak Leadership

Salah satu komponen penting dari kepemimpinan yang baik adalah menyampaikan visi yang jelas dari perusahaan dan bagaimana cara mencapainya. Pemimpin yang lemah tidak memberikan pemikiran untuk hal penting ini, di mana semua karyawan bisa mempunyai konsep yang mudah dipahami untuk dicapai dari hari-ke hari, jam demi jam. Tujuan yang lebih kecil diubah secara teratur, tapi karakter yang mendasari apa yang perusahaan ingin capai harus menjadi yang utama dalam setiap pemahaman karyawan mengenai pekerjaan mereka.

Mari kita mulai dengan mendefinisikan sebuah pemimpin yang "lemah"; coba lihat apakah Anda bisa mengenali orang ini:
  • Ketika tiba waktunya untuk membuat keputusan, ia ragu-ragu untuk berkomitmen.
  • Ia membuat karier dari menjauhi perbedaan pendapat atau konflik-konflik potensial.
  • Dalam sebuah rapat kelompok, ia cenderung menunggu semua orang memberikan pendapatnya dulu sebelum mengatakan sesuatu. Ia cenderung untuk "go with the flow" dengan pemikiran yang lazim, entah itu benar atau salah.
  • Ia cenderung setuju dengan yang manapun karyawan berada terakhir di kantornya.
  • Ketika terjadi ketidaksepakatan antar pihak, ia tidak melakukan intervensi, bahkan seandainya saatnya tepat dan diperlukan untuk itu.
  • Ketika seseorang menyerang dirinya, ia tidak menghadapinya secaa langsung, tapi sebaliknya, membangun dukungan untuk posisinya sendiri dengan membicarakan hal buruk tentang individu orang itu di belakang mereka.
  • Ia cenderung untuk "menangis" di balik bahu orang lain mengenai bagaimana kewalahan dan banyaknya beban tugas dan tunggungjawab yang diembannya.
  • Sulit baginya untuk memberi "pesan yang keras" atau umpan balik yang konstruktif kepada orang lain. Ketika ia It is very difficult for him/her to give the "hard" messages or give constructive feedback to others. Ketika ia harus memberi pesan yang negatif kepada seseorang, selalu menggunakan nama orang lain dan biasanya atasannya, yang telah memaksanya untuk melakukan hal itu. Mereka ingin menunjukkan agar orang lain tahu bahwa itu bukan idenya.

Apakah kejadian ini terdengar sangat umum? Jika ya, Anda berada Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? Jika benar demikian, Anda berada dalam keberadaan seorang pemimpin yang lemah.

Five Signs of Critically Weak Leadership

By Eryn Travis


Avoids Conflict

Conflict management is a crucial and inseparable part of leadership. Effective leaders recognize that while conflict is not pleasant, it is inevitable and can be productive if addressed and handled properly. On the other hand, weak leaders placate the troublemakers on the team, avoid giving constructive criticism or simply go along with group consensus without taking the time or effort to scrutinize the decision.

Points Fingers

Weak leaders publicly humiliate employees who make mistakes regardless of whether the work behind the error was well intentioned. In addition, a weak leader creates a culture where mistakes are unacceptable, which increases fear, lowers morale and paralyzes creativity, according to Chris Ortiz, author of "Ten Signs of An Incompetent Leader." Strong leaders stand behind their employees, commend the effort and provide additional training or instruction so that the employee can avoid future missteps, according to Ortiz.

Plays Politics or Favorites

If a manager consistently gives plum assignments to his most popular employee, acts differently in front of his boss than in front of his employees, gossips about his employees with other members of his team, or makes decisions based on whether the results will benefit his future with the company, it is a strong sign that his leadership is deficient. Weak leaders also evaluate their employees by the amount of hours worked or overtime logged instead of by performance, according to Ortiz.

Offers No Vision

A weak leader is typically unable to articulate the company's vision and how her department or team contributes to that mission. By contrast, a strong leader can easily answer these questions as well as tell each employee how their work contributes to overall company goals.

Has Poor Communication Skills

Leaders with poor communication skills risk the failure of their company, according to Linda Finkle, CEO of Incedo Group, an organizational coaching firm. Weak leaders send confusing or mixed messages to their teams, communicate infrequently and hide bad news. On the other hand, strong leaders create a communication atmosphere of trust and openness, communicate frequently, clearly and consistently and use multiple channels depending on the goal and nature of their message, according to The Clemmer Group, a leadership training organization.

Ten Characteristics of Good and Weak Leaders

By Steve Goodier


Good Leaders understand what is happening. They size up the situation, put themselves in the right position to respond, prepare, and then act at the proper time.
Weak Leaders are blind to the current situation. They solve the wrong problems in the wrong way.

Good Leaders encourage. They give credit when things go well and take responsibility when they don't go well.
Weak Leaders discourage others. They find fault and blame. They criticize when things don't go right.

Good Leaders keep learning. A cross-discipline study of leadership indicated that effective leaders in all fields are always learning. They constantly improve their skills. The best leaders are perpetual learners. Unlike weak leaders, they know that a spurt here and a spurt there does not make one an expert!
Weak Leaders know it all. They already have the answers.

Good Leaders, however, will often go where there is no path and leave a trail. They are sure of their direction and they act boldly.
Weak Leaders never rock the boat. They won't make courageous decisions for fear of failing. They prefer to keep things as they are, even if the system is not working all that well. Weak leaders will almost always follow the well-worn path.

Good Leaders know that authority is more earned than granted.
Weak Leaders keep others in their place. They remind them who is boss.

Good Leaders identify the gifts, strengths and limitations of those they lead. They assign, train, encourage and then get out of the way.
Weak Leaders do all of the work themselves. They delegate poorly. They micro-manage and control.

Good Leaders, on the other hand, help their subordinates find success. They give a hand up. They realize that when one is lifted to another's shoulders, both stand taller.
Weak Leaders sabotage the successes of others. When those below them succeed, they feel threatened.

Good Leaders always lead by example.
Weak Leaders ask others do what they are not willing to do themselves, and try to get others to go places they have not been.

Good Leaders know that motivation by force destroys morale. They understand that people respond best to positive incentive. They know that people who believe in themselves will do more work and better work.
Weak Leaders motivate by force. They cajole, intimidate, threaten and issue ultimatums.

Good Leaders listen and learn. Good salespeople know this. Good motivators know this. Good leaders know this.
Weak Leaders do not listen to those they lead. Their minds are already made up and they charge recklessly ahead.


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